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Today's Bulletin - Thursday, October 17, 2024



Power Curtailment and Water Supply Reduction in Kashmir: A Growing Crisis

Power Curtailment and Water Supply Reduction in Kashmir: A Growing Crisis

 Ahmad Ayaz 

With the growth of population and the expansion of residential colonies in Kashmir, the lack of advanced planning for essential services like drinking water, power supply, and road connectivity has become increasingly evident. The inadequacies in infrastructure planning have left the population without regular and proper services, leading to widespread suffering and frustration.
Power Curtailments in Summer:
Power curtailments, typically expected during the harsh winter months, have alarmingly become a regular occurrence even during the summer. This unexpected and inconvenient reality has disrupted daily life, businesses, and overall well-being. The frequency and duration of power cuts have not only affected household activities but have also impeded economic activities, particularly those reliant on a stable power supply.
The failure to ensure a consistent power supply, even in the less demanding summer months, raises significant concerns about the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing power infrastructure. The recurring power outages highlight the inadequacies in the current system, which fails to accommodate the growing demand for electricity due to the increasing population and expansion of residential areas.
Reduction in Drinking Water Supply: 
The reduction in drinking water supply is another critical issue plaguing the residents of Kashmir. Access to clean and sufficient drinking water is a fundamental necessity, yet many areas face chronic shortages. This reduction in water supply has severe implications for public health, sanitation, and daily living conditions.
The lack of proper planning and investment in water infrastructure has resulted in a system that cannot meet the demands of the population. With the expansion of residential colonies, the existing water supply networks are overstretched and undermaintained, leading to frequent disruptions and insufficient supply.
The Impact on Daily Life:
The combined effect of power curtailments and water supply reduction has created a challenging environment for the residents of Kashmir. Daily routines are constantly disrupted, and the quality of life is significantly diminished. The inability to rely on basic services like electricity and water affects every aspect of life, from cooking and cleaning to education and work.
In the context of the summer months, when temperatures rise and the demand for both water and electricity increases, these shortages are particularly distressing. Residents are left to cope with heat without the relief of fans or air conditioning, and the scarcity of water exacerbates the discomfort and health risks associated with the hot weather.
Questioning the Accountability of Officials:
Given the severity and persistence of these issues, it is essential to question the accountability of the officials responsible for managing these essential services. The substantial salaries and perks allocated to officials are intended to ensure the efficient and effective administration of public services. However, the ongoing problems with power and water supply suggest a significant gap between the resources provided to these officials and the outcomes achieved.
The lack of proactive planning and investment in infrastructure to meet the needs of a growing population reflects poorly on the administration's priorities and capabilities. There is a pressing need for a more strategic approach to infrastructure development that considers long-term growth and sustainability.
The Way Forward:
Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive and forward-thinking strategy. The government must prioritize the development and maintenance of infrastructure for essential services. This includes investing in modernizing the power grid, expanding and upgrading water supply networks, and ensuring proper road connectivity to support these systems.
Public accountability and transparency in the management of resources are crucial. Officials must be held responsible for their performance, and there should be clear benchmarks and timelines for improving service delivery. Engaging with the community to understand their needs and incorporating their feedback into planning processes can also help in creating more effective solutions.
In conclusion, the power curtailments and reduction in drinking water supply in Kashmir are indicative of deeper issues in infrastructure planning and governance. The well-being of the population depends on the reliable provision of these basic services, and it is imperative for the government to address these challenges with urgency and commitment. The future of Kashmir's development and the quality of life for its residents hinge on the effective resolution of these fundamental problems.

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