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Today's Bulletin - Monday, September 16, 2024



DDC Baramulla visits Uri; reviews developmental initiatives & #ddresses community concerns

DDC Baramulla visits Uri; reviews developmental initiatives & #ddresses community concerns

 BARAMULLA, JUNE 28 (RNA) : The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Baramulla, Minga Sherpa Friday visited Uri to conduct a comprehensive review of developmental projects and service delivery and assess progress, address community concerns, and enhance administrative efficiency in the region. 

At the outset, the DDC chaired a comprehensive meeting to evaluate the progress of ongoing developmental works. Sub Divisional Magistrate Uri, Javed Ahmad, briefed the chair on the current status of the overall situation in Sub Division Uri.
The DDC directed the officers to ensure all the developmental projects are being worked on efficiently and are completed in a time bound manner.
During the meeting, Minga Sherpa also reviewed the Border Village/ Model Village plan, a flagship initiative aimed at transforming border villages into hubs of development and prosperity and to uplift the living standards of residents in border areas through infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and economic activities.
The DDC inspected the functioning of the Revenue Department, urging officials to enhance service delivery mechanisms. Additionally, he directed the officers to streamline processes and improve public service standards across the region.
During the visit, Minga Sherpa interacted with the locals, representatives from border villages and listened to their demands and aspirations. He directed the concerned officers to promptly resolve the grievances put forth by the representatives.
The DDC was accompanied by the Chief Planning Officer and others during the visit.

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